Hello friends
This time i am posting "How to save and clear Eventlogs"
if most of your production servers are running on VM (virtualmachines) the space on OS drive (C) may reach above threshhold in that case you need to
clear some space.we can clear temp files and compress some logs.apart doing
all these we can create a powershellscript to save and clear eventlogs.
$applog=Get-WmiObject win32_nteventlogfile -Filter "logfilename = 'application'"
$date=Get-Date -Format ("dd-MM-yyy-mm-ss")
$applog=Get-WmiObject win32_nteventlogfile -Filter "logfilename ='system'"
Clear-EventLog -Log application,system
This time i am posting "How to save and clear Eventlogs"
if most of your production servers are running on VM (virtualmachines) the space on OS drive (C) may reach above threshhold in that case you need to
clear some space.we can clear temp files and compress some logs.apart doing
all these we can create a powershellscript to save and clear eventlogs.
$applog=Get-WmiObject win32_nteventlogfile -Filter "logfilename = 'application'"
$date=Get-Date -Format ("dd-MM-yyy-mm-ss")
$applog=Get-WmiObject win32_nteventlogfile -Filter "logfilename ='system'"
Clear-EventLog -Log application,system
thank u very much,